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Samadhan Kamble - Homepage (Higgs event at CMS)


"Physics is really nothing more than a search for an ultimate simplicity, and so far all we have is a kind of elegant messiness!"

-Bill Bryson-
About Me

About me

My name is Samadhan Kamble

I am a Doctoral research scholar and Prime Minister's Research Fellow (PMRF) at Experimental High Energy Physics (EHEP) lab, in the Dept. of Physics @IIT Madras, India. My PhD supervisor is Prof. Prafulla Behera.

My research includes analysis of the data collected with the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), CERN, Geneva to search for New Physics beyond the Standard Model of Particle (BSM) Physics. 

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Samadhan Kamble - Experience


Aug 2021 - Present

PMRF PhD Scholar
EHEP Lab, Dept. of Physics,
IIT Madras
CGPA 9/10
CMS experiment at LHC-CERN
Samadhan Kamble PhD - IIT Madras

June 2018 - Sept. 2020 

MSc (Physics)
Fergusson College,
Pune University, Pune
95 %
Samadhan Kamble MSc Physics - Fergusson College, Pune
Samadhan Kamble EPP - IISER Pune

Sept 2019- May 2020

MSc Thesis
Implementing Graph Theory in LHC Analyses
- A novel event analysis approach for EHEP

Supervised by Dr. Sourabh Dube
HEP Group, IISER Pune
Samadhan Kamble Plasma research - IPR Gandhinagar, Gujarat

May 2019 - July 2019

Summer School Project
Study of Laser-Plasma induced shock waves
using ICCD based time resolved Shadowgraphy

Supervised by Dr. R K Singh, Dr. H C Joshi
Institute for Plasma Research, Gandhinagar

Sept 2017- Apr 2018

BSc Thesis 
Prospects of Piezoelectricity
- The future energy

Supervised by Dr. Pravin Dusane
Abasaheb Garware College, Pune
Samadhan Kamble BSc Physics - Garware College, Pune
Samadhan Kamble MSc Physics - Fergusson College -

June 2015 - July 2018 

BSc (Physics) 
Abasaheb Garware College, Pune
University, Pune
94.06 %
Samadhan Kamble - Research Interests

Research interests

  • In this pursuit of addressing these profound questions, we explore many direct and indirect approaches.   I am especially interested in the Beyond Standard Model (BSM) Physics and precision measurements of rare processes as these are filled with many problems which are worth spending time on, and most importantly, sufficiently captivating yet sufficiently difficult that they haven’t yet been completely solved.

  • My motivation is aligned with the growing challenges that the EHEP has been facing after the Higgs boson discovery which completes the SM. Due to technological advancements in the TeV scale, it is also a beginning of golden era for the BSM searches for the ultimate pursuit of 'theory of everything’; which also poses the need for novel analysis techniques to probe what is rightly being said 'the needle in a haystack!’.

  • We aim to work on two of the very important aspects of the current EHEP research viz., analysis of the data collected by the EHEP experiments for probing new physics and development & characterization of the next generation particle detectors which is a RnD work being carried in collaboration with CERN.

We are active members of the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) collaboration and analyse the data of proton-proton collisions at com. energy of 13 TeV using CMS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) for probing BSM Physics.  This requires learning big-data analysis techniques and working in collaboration with researchers at CERN. It gives the opportunity of active participation in the CMS detector and DAQ operations.

Another component of my research is the service work for the collaboration.


Experimental High Energy Physics (EHEP) is poised on a verge of a new era. The Standard Model of Particle Physics is well established; at the same time, it also poses several well-defined questions along with fundamental problems that needs to be addressed.




  • In CMS, operational, maintenance, and upgrade duties and shifts are shared equitably amongst all members as part of Experimental Physics Responsibilities (EPR). As part of these responsibilities, I am involved in several crucial tasks that directly benefits many physics analyses.

  • Monte-Carlo simulation plays an extremely crucial role in CMS experiment for each step of the analysis.  1.  Currently, L3 convener and a MC Simulation Manager for CMS, January 2023 - onwards  Part of MccM core team, trained & on-boarded >25 MC contacts across collaboration!

         2.  Formerly, MC Simulation contact person for the SMP group of CMS, June 2022 - Jan 2023

  • Very responsible and crucial positions in the collaboration. Indirectly benefiting many ongoing analysis!

  • Data AcQuisition (DAQ):

    • Trained for various types of shifts for CMS Data AcQuisition (DAQ) and processing.

    • Performed DQM shift for p-p collision data taking at CMS experiment for Run 3 (Oct 2023)

Earned the CMS authorship as a recognition for 6 month equivalent contribution to the collaboration!

Co-Authored >15* collaboration research articles (InspireHEP)

The standard model on a mug. (source:CERN))

The standard modeL

Particle physics is central to our understanding of the laws of nature. It is concerned with the fundamental building blocks of the universe, the elementary particles, and the interactions among them.

The Standard Model (SM) of particle physics describes the dynamics of the known elementary particles, interpreted as quantum fields, and their interactions with one another. The SM provides an unified picture where the forces between particles are themselves described by the exchange of particles. It is able to describe with an unprecedented precision the interactions among all the fundamental particles: the fermions, the particles of matter; and the bosons, the force carriers. It accounts for three of the four known fundamental interactions: electromagnetism, the weak, and the strong force. Remarkably, the SM has withstood stringent experimental tests over the last five decades (and counting..) and undoubtedly represents one of the triumphs of the modern physics!

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..and beyond

So far so good, but..
This is not the end of the story (perhaps the beginning).

Despite being the most successful theory of the particle physics to date, the SM has some profound limitations:

  • There are fundamental physical
    phenomena/observations in nature that the SM does
    not adequately explain: gravity, composition of dark matter and dark energy, non-zero
    neutrino mass, matter-antimatter/baryon asymmetry, etc.

  • Theoretical problems: why three generations of quarks and leptons, hierarchy problem, naturalness (origin of large number of fine tuned parameters not known), unification, etc.

So, the SM is certainly not the ultimate theory of the universe and there is strong motivation to search for new physics (NP) beyond the standard model (BSM).


The cms experiment at lhc

Large Hadron Collider

The LHC is the world’s largest (27 km in circumference) and most energetic particle accelerator (13.6 TeV for Run3). The hadrons (protons or heavy-ions) are passed through a series of progressively larger accelerator rings as depicted below. Inside the accelerator, two high-energy particle beams travel at close to the speed of light before they are made to collide. The beams travel in opposite directions in separate beam pipes – two tubes kept at ultrahigh vacuum. They are guided around the accelerator ring by a strong magnetic field maintained by superconducting electromagnets. The beams are collided within huge particle detectors that study the remnants of the collisions.


Under nominal operating conditions at LHC, each proton beam has 2808 bunches, with each bunch containing about 10^11 protons with average spacing of 25 ns corresponding to event rate of 40 MHz!

CMS Experiment

The CMS is a general-purpose detector at the LHC comprising of many sub-detectors each designed to perform a specific task. Fig. below shows a transverse slice of the CMS detector with individual sub-detectors and particle signatures in each. The central feature of the CMS apparatus is a superconducting solenoid of 6 m internal diameter, providing a magnetic field of 3.8 T. Within the solenoid volume are a silicon pixel and strip tracker, a PbW crystal electromagnetic calorimeter (ECAL), and a brass-scintillator hadron calorimeter (HCAL), each composed of a barrel and two end-cap sections.


The particle-flow algorithm aims to reconstruct and identify each individual particle in an event, with an optimized combination of information from the various elements of the CMS detector.
A detailed description of the CMS detector can be found


talks @Conferences
& schools

Dec. 12-15, 2022
IISER Mohali

  • Contributing talk on: Link

       “Measurement of CP-Violating phase (φs)
        in Bs → J/ψφ at √s = 13 TeV in CMS”


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Screenshot from 2024-05-07 12-11-19

ML4HEP (Machine
Learning & statistical methods for
high Energy Physics)


Aug 28-Sept 08, 2023,

ICTS Bengaluru

  • Group project and talk on: Link  

        “CNN Based (Residual Network) Photon 

          Identification using CMS Open Data

CMS PO&DAS ( Physics object and
Data Analysis School)

Oct 09-18, 2023, at DESY, Hamburg, Germany

  • Group project and talk on: Link  

        “Higgs to ZZ analysis using


Screenshot from 2024-05-07 12-25-25

XV International Committee for Future
Accelerators’ (ICFA) Instrumentation

school in HEP


Feb 12-25, 2023,
TIFR Mumbai


  • Presentation on: Link  

        “Gamma ray spectroscopy

       using inorganic scintillators”

White Structure



PhD Coursework

                             Course                                                    Credits              Grade   


  • PH7090 Foundations in Experimental Physics                  12                       S

  • PH7080 Foundations in Theoretical Physics                      12                      B       

  • PH5811 Advanced Particle Physics                                     09                      A

  • PH5250 Advanced Electronics & Lab                                 12                       A


                                                  CGPA: 9/10  Earned Credits: 45


Teaching Assistance
  • At IIT Madras

         EP3190 MSc/DD Advanced Physics Lab course (Odd Sem)

         PH1040 B.Tech. Electrodynamics I (Even Sem)

         PH5250 MSc/PhD Advanced Electronics Lab (Odd Sem)

         PH2050 MSc Physics Lab course (Even Sem)

         EP2090 B.Tech. Mechanics Lab course (Odd Sem)

         PH1030 B.Tech. Physics Lab course (Even Sem)

         -Designing and testing experiments

        -Familiarizing students with the Physics experiments in the course

        -Handling doubts and questions related to experiments

        -Lab report and endsem evaluations     

  • Outside IIT Madras

       MSc - Nuclear and Particle Physics (Odd Sem),

         MSc - Materials synthesis, processing and applications (Odd Sem)

  • NPTEL live Sessions

         Weekly Live interactive sessions with the NPTEL learners

          Course: Introduction to semiconductor Devices, 2022

          Coordinator: Prof. N. K. Emani, IIT Hyderabad
          Recordings of all sessions uploaded to my YouTube channel:

  • PALS-NAANDI : STEM is Fun!

         It is a program conceived by PALS ( in partnership with Naandi

         Foundation to make the 1st/2nd year students of non-IIT Engg. colleges understand,

         appreciate and apply STEM concepts better.

       Nature of work:

         -Content creation: beta testing and identifying prerequisite STEM concepts.

        -Mentoring students on their STEM projects

        -Co-facilitator for the PALS workshops

        -Assessment sessions for the final project presentation of the participants

  • Anna University, Chennai

        Nature of work:

          -Designed & Set-up lab experiments for MSc (Material Science),

          MTech (Optics) courses in collaboration with students

  • simulation based experiments

  • lab-based experimental set-ups

  • RD college of Engg, Ghaziabad

        Nature of work:

          -Live interactive sessions with students on academics

         -tutorials and lectures on nanotechnology, Particle Physics

         -Informal discussions on career guidance and avenues

Live session: Week-1
Live session: Week-2
Live session: Week-3
Live session: Week-4
Live session: Week-5
Live session: Week-6
Live session: Week-7
Live session: Week-8
Live session: Week-9
Live session: Week-10
Live session: Week-11
Live session: Week-12
Get in Touch!

Thank you for coming this far of my webpage. I would love to listen from you regarding any doubt or collaboration.

So feel free to contact!

Tel: +91 7350069725

Thanks for submitting!

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